(Book) Waves in the Hinterland, The Journey of a Newspaper

BOOK: Waves in the Hinterland, The Journey of a Newspaper

Book: Waves in the Hinterland, The Journey of a Newspaper

By : Farah Naqvi, Zubaan Books/Nirantar
Rs 350

In March 2004, a group of Dalit women from Uttar Pradesh’s Bundelkhand region stood on a stage in a plush Delhi auditorium. Th-ey were honoured with the Chameli Devi Award for outstanding media work. The same year, three of their colleagues received fellowships from the Dalit Foundation in Delhi for reporting on issues related to the rights of the Dalit community. The women in question run Khabar Lahariya: an eight page bi-weekly with a print run of 3,000 in Chitrakoot and Banda districts.

The paper’s readership includes farmers, panchayat members, schoolteachers, shopkeepers, anganwadi wo-rkers, labourers, government employees, journalists and housewives. Written in the vibrant Bundeli, the Dalit women live the issues they write about. Besides local, national and international news, it is known for its sensitive handling of gender and caste issues.

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